Bright Eyes

  • Years active: 1995 - today
  • Foundation: Omaha, Nebraska, Stati Uniti
  • Members: Conor Oberst (Voice-Guitar-Keyboard), Daniel J. McCarthy (Bass), Mike Mogis (Mandolino-Guitar), Anton Patzner (Violin), Maria Taylor (Drums), Nate Walcott (Organ-Mandolino)
  • Genre: Indie , Folk , Emo
Biography: Bright Eyes is an American indie/folk band founded by singer-songwriter and guitarist Conor Oberst and consisting of Oberst, multi-instrumentalist and producer Mike Mogis, trumpet and piano player Nate Walcott, and a rotating lineup of collaborators drawn primarily from Omaha's indie music scene.

Bright Eyes is signed to Saddle Creek Records, an American label also founded by Oberst and...  [read more]