- A Capella
- A Gentle Grieving Farewell Kiss
- A Pastoral Theme
- Abendrot
- Am Wasserfall
- Am Wolkenstieg
- Autumn Grey Views
- Das Blau-kristallne Kammerlein
- Das Blau-Kristallne Kämmerlein
- Dead Winter Ways
- Der Nix
- Der Weiher
- Die Schwane Im Schilf
- Die Schwäne Im Schilf
- Dying Brokenhearted
- Fortgang
- Fossegrim
- Heimwärts
- In The Gutter Of This Spring
- Intro
- Kapitel I:
- Kapitel I: "Heidestimmung"
- Kapitel II: "Waldpoesie"
- Kapitel II: Waldpoesie
- Kapitel III: "Wassergeister"
- Kapitel III: Wassergeister
- Lover's Grief
- Many moons ago
- Many Moons Ago...
- Moonromanticism
- Mourners
- Nachhall
- Ode To Melancholy
- Ordain'd To Thee
- Saviour
- The Blue Mists Of Night
- The Days Before The Fall
- The Ensemble Of Silence
- The Fraconian Woods In Winter's Silence
- The Franconian Woods In Winter's Silence
- The Sad Song Of The Wind
- The Shepherd And The Maiden Ghost
- The Turn Of The Tides
- The Yearning
- Under Dreamskies
- Waldpoesie
- We Are Alone
- Wehmut
- When Shadows Grow Longer
- When Shadows Grow Longer '99
- Where At Night The Wood Grouse Plays
- With The Current Into Grey