- Years active: 2009 - today
Biography: Glee is an American musical comedy-drama television series that airs on Fox. It focuses on a high school show choir (also known as a glee club), called "New Directions!", set within the fictional William McKinley High School in Lima, Ohio. The pilot episode of the show was broadcast after American Idol on May 19, 2009, and the first season began airing on September 9, 2009. On September 21, 2009,...  [read more]
- Lea Michele
- Mark Salling
Related Artists
- This Time
- I Lived
- Gangnam Style
- Listen To Your Heart
- This Time
- I Lived
- Gangnam Style
- Listen To Your Heart
- A Thousand Years
- Starlight Express
- So Far Away
- Jingle Bells
- Total Eclipse of the Heart
- Sweet Transvestite
- Bamboleo/Hero
- I Dreamed a Dream
- Let It Go
- Take Me To Church
- Fix You
- O Holy Night
- Mickey
- Suddenly Seymour
- Dance The Night Away
- Billionaire
Glee: The Music, Dreams Come True
(2015) -
Glee: The Music, We Built This Glee Club
(2015) -
Glee: The Music, What The World Needs Now Is Love
All Glee Cast's videos (665)