- Werewolf
- Gorizont Vesny
- Pagan Sunrises - The Faith Of Fire
- White Thunder Roars
- Dib-Dub-Snop
- Fatherland
- As A Fragment Of The Unseen Mysteries
- Be Oden Narod Slavensk
- From The Melted Snows Thou Shalt Ask Our Names...
- Glorification of the Fallen
- Shine, Fire In The Night
- The Prince of the Sacred Silence
- Солнцеврат-Коляда / Sunwheels of Solstice
- Chto Shepchut Kurgany Zarnitsam Rassveta
- Sorcery is Strenghtening the Black Glory of Rus' (
- Прославление Павших
- Братина Утра / Chalice of Morrow
- Урочища Снов / Haunted Dreamscapes
- Вежды Мора / Eyes of Death
- "...In the Crowns of ancient Oaks..."